Repeat Beauty Buys - Palmer's Coconut Oil Formula Replenishing Hair Milk
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Hola Goddesses!
I wanted to start a new section of my blog where I rave about my love for beauty items that I buy over and over again or that I go back to after trying something new. All of the items that I will mention in these posts are items that I have purchased with my own funds. Please share with me any beauty items that you buy again and again in the comments.
For the first of these products that I love and have bought multiples of, is Palmer's Coconut Oil Formula Replenishing Hair Milk.

I was at Target one day, browsing the hair and beauty isles as I normally do when I have some free time and I came across this product. Of course coconut oil jumped out at me because that is my number one beauty secret. When I read the ingredients, there were some pretty good things in it like coconut oil, coconut milk and Shea butter. Green light number one.
Then, you know I had to smell it. Now, those that know me well know that I don't care how fabulous a hair product will spin my hair into silk or whatever; if it does not smell good, I'm not buying it. I love to smell like vanilla and coconut so this hair milk was perfect. It smells like sweet creamy coconut milk with a hint of soft vanilla. It spoke to me; I knew I had to have it. Green light number two.
This was perfect too since I had been looking for a good water based leave-in for when I wear my hair curly. I tried the Elasta QP Mango Butter, which I liked and it smelled good, but it was too heavy and thick for my hair. Palmer's has a smooth, light and creamy consistency and it spreads well and evenly throughout your strands. Green light number three; I'm sold.
I fell in love...with the product of course.
I love this product so much that I went back to two different Targets and cleaned them out. I had about 10 or 11 bottles on deck under my sink because I was so afraid that they would stop making it. I have given out multiple bottles as gifts too. It's not only for curly hair though; my bella friend Mandy (@AmandaPizzo1) at Books, Shopping & Rock N' Roll, has straight, fine strands and she uses it too!
The way I use this product is after I have washed and conditioned by hair and sprayed my detangler (a second Repeat Beauty Buy for another date!), I take about a silver dollar amount and disperse it throughout my hair. Then, I detangle with my Denman and apply another silver dollar amount ( I have waist length hair so I use more product). Then I style as usual. This product also gives tons of slip so detangling is a breeze.
If you have tried this hair milk, leave a comment and let me know if you love it or not!
Love, Peace & Lip Gloss!

October 12, 2011 at 5:20 PM
I know I love it and use it alternately with my biosilk depending on how im feeling that day.
October 12, 2011 at 6:14 PM
I have not tried the hair milk yet, but the Palmer's coconut oil deep conditioner (in the pack) is the best! I used it about a week ago and my hair came out so soft and shiny, not at all greasy. I think I will be buying that conditioner again.
October 12, 2011 at 9:43 PM
@Traci - I love the conditioner packet too! Haha! That was going to be one of my next repeat beauty buys as well! It smells delish! :)
June 6, 2012 at 11:49 PM
Yes! I have tried it too and I think it is fantastic. I actually think it works better on my hair than my Mizani coconut soufflé. It keeps my hair soft, moisturized, and polished without feeling super greasy when I touch it. I also found it at Target, and it has now become my go-to moisturizer. I normally use it a few times a week after I wash, or co wash. I'd highly recommend it to any hair product enthusiast. It works so well and it's inexpensive. It's such a good buy.
June 12, 2013 at 2:06 AM
I actually just came across the product yesterday, I have been using the Palmer Oliver brand for awhile now and wanted to know how Cocunot oil brand works, Im in the process of going natural. And I like a backup shampoo/condition, but not one for trying this and thank. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on it.. God Bless :)